Brascabos invests in social actions in our community and also in institutions that support Brazilian society.
Get to know some of the incentives we carry out in search of social transformation and charity.

Milk Donation - Every month we donate milk to the elderly residents of the Abrigo da Velhice São Vicente de Paulo, contributing to the residents' nutritional health.

Boldrini Hospital - Through Law 8069/90 of the Child and Adolescent Statute, we support the Boldrini Hospital, in support of the project "Hospital Pedagogical Care Program". This project aims to ensure the right to education and the monitoring of school activities while the child/patient is under treatment in the units.

Theater - Through a partnership with the production company D'Color, and with the benefit of the Rouanet Law, it will bring to the children of Rio Claro, the show "O Diário de Mika".

Hospital do Amor - Through the Tax Incentive Law (Law no. 12;213 of 2010 - Program to Support the Elderly), Brascabos contributes to the Hospital do Amor, which aims to fund the Hospital São Judas Tadeu, dedicated to patients in palliative care.

Pro Team - Brascabos supported through the São Paulo State Law for Sports Incentive (ICMS Law) the Pro Team Taekwondo Team, which serves 30 children, teenagers and youngsters between 6 and 17 years old.

Bolshoi School - Brascabos, through the Rouanet Law, supports this project that provides training for dance artists. With students coming from different Brazilian states and abroad, the Bolshoi School has socio-educational and cultural actions that through programs and projects insert the community in the world of arts.

Fire Department - In partnership with several supporting companies, Brascabos contributed with the supply of civil construction materials to make the restrooms and rest areas of the Rio Claro Fire Department suitable.

Pink October and Blue November - Internal campaigns to make employees aware of breast and prostate cancer. These are annual awareness-raising campaigns, where banners, illustrative banners, lectures, videos, and guidance by trained professionals are made.

Winter Clothing Campaign - Every year the company holds a campaign counting on all employees to donate blankets, warm clothes, and shoes.

Sponsorship of Children - Through this campaign held internally with our employees, we participate in events at regional associations and institutions, where we give gifts to all the children.

Santa Casa - Brascabos participates in 2022 as a supporter of the renovation project and equipment for the Integrated Municipal Emergency Room (PSMI), through Law 3.767 of 09/04/2007 and Law 3.804 of 12/17/2007, with a donation of 50% of the property tax.